A-Z of Movement

September 7, 2013 Nechoma Wellbeing

New PictureOur bodies are not made to be still.  Movement is important for us both on a physical level, to keep the body healthy and on an emotional level, to ensure a positive frame of mind. Gentle, regular movement is best, certainly at the beginning.


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When the weather is good and the outdoors is inviting there are so many opportunities for keeping active.  As the weather gets cooler it is easier to stay indoors and get involved with other things, which is fine too; there are plenty fun indoor activities and there is a time for everything.  We do need to keep moving, though, so let’s add some creativity to our movement ideas and see how we can bring some of them inside or wrap up well and get out there.


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Use this list to spark your own ideas, remember there is no right or wrong, only make sure to enjoy and have fun.


Aerobics, acrobatics               Balance, bounce, boating         Climb, crawl, catch


Dance             Exercise                     Fly                  Gallop, games              Hop, hoops


Invite others                Jump,jog                     Kite, kick         Laugh


Move               Nature                        Outdoors                     Play


Quality time                 Ride, roll, run, rest                 Slide, swim, skip…stop…


Trample, trampoline               Under & over              Valuable              Walk, wriggle


Xtreme & xtremely slowly                   Yo yo, you and I


Zzz sleep, good to be tired after being active



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