
Healthy Kosher Kids is a place to come to share ideas on being healthy.

I believe that while we cannot change everything we can through our actions make a big difference.  It is a challenge to accept things as they are, to really appreciate everything, while still being able to actively search for answers.

In the kiddush of Friday night we say ‘Asher boro elokim la’asos – that G-d created to do’.  If G-d has created it then surely it is done.  Why is the verb to do in the present?  And what is to be done?  G-d designed the world that it demands our constant involvement, it requires our participation, our continued interst and creativity inorder for it to flourish.  It is up to us to become partners in creation and ensure that we take action and responsibility.

We can raise our children so that they will be aware that there are choices and that the choices they make will affect the way they feel in themselves (physically) and about themselves (emotionally).

In order to do this we, of course, need to be informed and inspired.  Healthy Kosher Kids aims to be a source of information and more than anything else a source of inspiration, so that we make healthy choices for our children and encourage them to do the same.

Being healthy is for everyone!

But if we start our children on healthy habits we stand a good chance of ensuring a generation of adults who will be strong.  If we make it fun to eat nutritious food and exciting to be outdoors and keep active, we can make it natural for them to live a healthy lifestyle.

Have a brilliant day, Nechoma Cyprys.

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